The By-Laws of The Razorback Chapter 117 of the Association of Civilian Technicians 

                               ACCEPTED ON 25 SEP 97



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SECTION 1:  The name of this organization shall be the Razorback Chapter 117 of the Association of Civilian Technicians.





SECTION 1:  The purpose of this non-profit organization is to improve and assure the welfare of all eligible Civilian Technicians as stated in Article III (Membership) of these by-laws, through a united effort.





SECTION 1:  Any person who is or has been employed in a Federally paid Civilian Technician status with the National Guard shall be eligible for membership.  The application for membership of currently employed technicians shall be made to this chapter utilizing the SF 1187 (Request for Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues).  Other enrollment procedures are dictated by the National Constitution and take precedence over these by-laws.


SECTION 2:  Persons who have been suspended, expelled, stricken from membership or rejected from any other chapter shall not be eligible for membership until all differences with former chapters have been resolved.


SECTION 3:  No applicant shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership until his appropriate fees have been paid in full.


SECTION 4:  Only members in good standing, and not in arresrs of dues, are entitled to the rights, privileges, and prerogatives of this Association.  Members shall immediately notify the Secretary of this chapter of changes in their address.


SECTION 5:  Any member who has withdrawn from membership or has been suspended for failure to pay dues or assessments or has otherwise ceased to be a member of this chapter may be reinstated to membership pursuant to rules and registrations established by the Board of Directors.


SECTION 6:  No person shall be eligible for membership in this chapter who has been employed in any capacity that would require them to perform duties inconsistent with membership requirements in this chapter, or with the principles of organized labor or detrimental to the interests of this chapter and/or the National Association.  This provision is not intended to exclude those individuals who have left the bargaining unit and wish to continue to support the goals and aims of this Association.


SECTION 7:  A member of this chapter who is temporarily dropped from the rolls due to sickness, attendance at service schools or other temporary military dury, shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of membership.


SECTION 8:  All members in good standing are entitled to AD&D insurance benefits by the National Association of Civilian Technicians.



A)    DUES YEAR:  The dues year of this chapter shall commence on the first day of January and end on the 31st day of December each year.

B)     AMOUNT:  The dues of the Association are based upon a percentage of gross pay of each members’ salary.  Such amounts to be automatically deducted each pay period if the member is eligible for dues withholding from payroll.  If a member is not eligible for dues withholding, dues will be in accordance with the National Constitution.  The percentage rate will be in the amount of seven tenths of one percent (.007) of the base pay.





SECTION 1:  The power and authority to transact all business of this chapter is veted in the Board of Directors, which is composed of the elected officers, subject to the power and authority of the membership while in a general meeting of this chapter.



A)    OFFICERS:  The officers of this chapter shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Steward and Sergeant at Arms.

B)     ELECTIONS:  Officers of this chapter shall b e elected by secret ballot for a term of four (4) years.  Election of the President, Secretary, and Chief Steward will be in even numbered years.  Election of the Bice President and Treasurer will be in odd numbered years.  Their terms to be in accordance with provisions already established above.

C)    FILLING OF VACANT OFFICES:  A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President.  A vacancy in the office of Vice President and/or any of the other offices will be filled at the discretion of the Board of Directors by a majority vote by the Board.  Such vote is to be accomplished within forty-five days subsequent to the date of vacancy.

D)    NOMINATIONS:  A nominating/election committee shall be appointed by the President in January of an election year.  Unless a person has been a member in good standing of the Chapter on or before July 1 of the preceding year in which the election is to be held, they will not be eligible for momination to any office of this chapter.  Any candidate may withdraw as a candidate by written notice to the Secretary, but not subsequent to the fifthe day of March in the year in which the election is to be held.  The nominating/election committee shall conduct the election in accordance with Labor Department directives.  Any election that is required to be held by secret ballot need not be held by secret ballot when all candidates are incumbents and all incumbents are unopposed for election.  It will be the responsibility of the nominating/election committee to recommend this option to the Executive Committee for approval.

a.       Ballots may be distributed by the nominating/election committee to the members in their areas, or mailed directly to the member.

b.      The nominating/election committee will validate and count the returned ballots.

c.       Announcement of the election results will be made by the nominating/election committee.

d.      Upon completion of the election, all ballots shall be sealed and retained by the Secretary.


SECTION 3:  Delegates of this chapter to national business meetings of the Association shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.  The selection is to be made from the elected officers and, unless circumstances dictate otherwise, will normally include the Chapter President.  Other delegates may be elected by a secret ballot of the membership attending a chapter meeting called for this purpose.


SECTION 4:  Shop Stewards shall be appointed by the President with concurrence of the Board of Directors.





SECTION 1:  PRESIDENT:  The President shall normally preside at all meetings of this chapter.  The President’s signature shall be required on all contracts approved by this chapter or by the Board of Directors.  The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and shall initiate and effectuate plans that, in the President’s judgment, are in the best interest of the chapter.  The President shall appoint all committees of this chapter unless the method of selection is otherwise directed or provided for.  The President shall assign tasks to members of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee that are within the scope of these by-laws.


SECTION 2: VICE PRESIDENT:  The Vice President shall be the direct assistant to the President and shall act for the President in his/her absence.  The Vice President shall assist and advise the President in all matters pertaining to this chapter.


SECTION 3:  SECRETARY:  The Secretary shall be responsible for the custody of all official papers, proceedings and ballots of this chapter and the record of its proceedings.  The Secretary shall give notice of meetings as directed by the President.  The Secretary shall record and prepare minutes of all meetings of this chapter.


SECTION 4:  TREASURER:  The treasurer shall be responsible for the custody of all funds of this chapter. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of all monies, securities, and other property owned by this chapter.  The Treasurer shall submit an itemized report at each annual meeting of this chapter and such other reports as the President may require.  These accounts shall be open to inspection by members of the Board of Directors and to an annual audit.


SECTION 5:  CHIEF STEWARD:  The Chief Steward supervises and assists the shop stewards in their duties.  The Chief Steward will take a active part in the grievance procedure at an appropriate level.  The Chief Steward will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for steward appointments.





SECTION 1:  Meetings of this chapter shall normally be held once a month.  There will be one annual meeting as so designated by the President.  Special meetings of this Chapter may be called by the President.  Upon written request of the majority of the Board of Directors, the President shall call a special meeting of the chapter.



A)     Regular meetings:  The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at such a time and place it shall resolve.

B)     Special meetings: The Board of Directors shall hold special meetings upon call of the President.  Upon request of two or more members of the board, the President shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors.



A)    Notice:  Members shall be given notice of all meetings of this chapter by written notice on ACT bulletin boards or verbally by shop stewards a minimum of three days in advance of said meeting.

B)     Quorum:

a.        The presence in person of 10 percent of members entitled to vote shall be required to constitute a quorum at all meetings of this chapter.

b.      The presence in person of two-thirds of the Board of Directors shall be required to constitute a quorum at all meetings of the board.


SECTION 4:  Parlimentary procedures:  Parliamentary procedures shall be in accordance with these by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.  A parliamentarian may be appointed by the President to advise and assist on such matters.





SECTION 1:  If any of the provisions of these by-laws or any rule or regulation is held as a violation of existing law, the provisions of the by-laws, rules and regulations shall be separable in full force and effect.


SECTION 2:  In any action at law or equity between the chapter and a member, the affidavit of the Secretary based on an examination of the record of any recorded facts, such as the adoption of a rule or regulation, shall be prima facie proof of such a fact.  No procedural defect or matter of form shall be the defense to any member involved in any such action.


SECTION 3:  All election for officers or stewards of the chapter shall be decided by plurality vote.


SECTION 4:  Neither this chapter nor any of its members shall discriminate mor shall they be discriminated against by reason of age, color, sex, religion, creed or country of origin.


SECTION 5:  Contract ratification by the membership is required and will be included in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which establishes the ground rules for negotiations.  Upon completion of a new Labor/Management Agreement, and prior to formal signing (execution) of the new agreement, the agreement will be reviewed by the National Office of ACT prior to chapter membership ratification.





SECTION 1:  These by-laws may be admended, repealed or new by-laws may be adopted by a majority of the members present at any meeting or special meeting called for the purpose of amending, repealing or adopting new by-laws.


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